Ep350: HazeXXL Vinyl Rarities w Tom Hazelmyer
For over a decade Tom Hazelmyer of Amphetamine Reptile has been creating art-records in limited numbers for a community of devoted fans & collectors. Today we discuss the state of his production and dive deep into some of the most sought-after releases.
Topics include:
How Tom spent his pandemic
Vinyl supply chain issues
Issues around international shipments
AmRep releases throughout the pandemic
Tom’s bar and offices during the Minneapolis riots
How Amrep got so many releases done during the lockdowns
Amrep’s small team is an advantage during difficult times
Tom’s work ethic for his linocut artwork
Using digital tools to accelerate his artwork
The typical pressing sizes for Amrep releases
Why there are very few 45rpms from Amrep in recent years
The 45 was the perfect format for Punk rock
The story of Melvins wooden Endless Residency boxset
The recent Sugar Daddy 45 misprint
Making sleeve cutouts & colour separations for early Amrep releases
Recent reissues of Amrep albums with new HAZE artwork
Challenges with working with other labels for reissues
The Melvins Houdini/Stag/Stoner Witch reissues
Melvins “The Bride Screamed Murder” special limited cover
Test prints and Artist Proofs of HAZEXXL releases
The overages/slop from vinyl pressings
Various Melvins / Mackie Osborne special limited versions
“A Senile Animal” mispress HAZE XXL reissue
The “War Pussy” skull sticker
The 1st HAZE record - Melvins “Hurray For Me” record
Revisiting the “Dope Guns & Fucking” compilation series
Playing on the new Mr Phylzzz album “Cancel Culture Club”
Tom likes to play guitar, write music but hates to tour
Mr Phylzzz vinyl out mid to late October
Interview wrap up
AmRep's Online shop - SHOXOP.com
EXTENDED & HIGH RESOLUTION version of this interview available at: www.Patreon.com/VinylGuide
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If you like records, just starting a collection or are an uber-nerd with a house-full of vinyl, this is the podcast for you. Nate Goyer is The Vinyl Guide and discusses all things music and record-related.